The Chiang Mai Flirt


A couple of Flirts and Tom Yum peanuts

After a long day of FushionHQ training coupled with a little sleep deprivation we were ready for something to eat and a good long sleep.

We headed off to try the local Thai restaurant in the Shangri-La Hotel’s Silapa Thai Lounge and Bar for a couple of cocktails and some dinner. We started with a couple of Flirts (a cocktail of raspberry vodka, cranberry and pineapple juices and red rose petals) which came with Tom Yum peanuts – fresh peanuts with crispy coriander, chili and Thai spices – incredible. Dinner consisted of Tamarind Prawns, Beef Massaman, and Red Duck Curry with Pineapple. All good dishes but not as good as our Paladarr Thai Issan food back in Melbourne (we obviously need to venture out of the hotel for more local authentic cuisine).

We ventured through dinner with a couple more cocktails (a Green Apple something and a Passion-fruit something else – OK we were getting tired and they were stronger cocktails but not as good as The Flirt) and were entertained by the waitress with an electrified bug-zapper tennis racketĀ  as she lobbed and backhanded at the mosquitoes, emitting a little spark when successfully connecting with one of the predators.

After dinner we ventured out of the hotel for the first time in search of some bottled water and to check out the nightlife, which consisted of a fish ball vendor and few guys hanging around the 7-Eleven. Ahh, beautiful, quiet (and slightly smelly) Chaing Mai reminded us very much of our time in Myanmar.

Some lanterns up an alley way beckoned us to explore off the beaten track and we happened upon the very inviting Peak Spa and their extensive menu (think professional day spa without any happy endings, of course). At less than 50% of the prices in the hotel and daily opening house of 10am to 10pm this is definitely one place that has been added to the agenda for later in the week.

Gently light rain began to fall, teasily begging us to delight in its refreshing qualities. Ignoring its advances we headed for the cover of the hotel, eager to catch up on some sleep in preparation for another long and jam packed day of information.